Welcome to Grace Chapel

Love God.
Join together.
serve others.
reach the world.

Service Times

Sunday Worship Service9:30 am (Sanctuary)

Prayer Mid-Week Adult Service: Wed. at 6:30 pm

Youth Group Junior and Senior High: Wed. at 6:30 pm

AWANA Kids: (Pre-K -5th grade): Wed. at 6:30 pm

Community Groups: Sundays (Various Times & Locations) 

Young Adults Ministry (ages 18-28, single or married)
Sunday Evening at 6:30 pm, twice a month

Spanish Ministry Sunday Service: 9:30 am (Spanish Room)

Spanish Ministry Mid-Week Service: Wed. at 6:30 pm


Contact Us

48395 Madison St. Indio, CA 92201

Women’s Ministry Event “Team Jesus”

Ladies, sign up at the Information Desk and get your ticket today! We invite
you to be a part of “Team Jesus,” Saturday, April 5th, 5-8pm. Come dressed
in your favorite sports team attire. Food is Concession Style. Games, fun
fellowship, prizes, invite a friend. $10

Featured Events

Watch Our Recent Sermon

We're currently going through 
1 Thessalonians.
Watch our latest sermon or check out our media library