Unpacking Daniel’s 70th Week (Part 2 — The First 3 1/2 Years)

Feb 8, 2015    Pastor Ron Finch

In our last study I showed that the coming Antichrist will make a “firm Covenant” with the nation of
Israel that will be a POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS Covenant in that it will give Israel “freedoms” begin
again sacrifices and offerings according to the Old Testament Law, to rebuild their Temple as a place to
offering these sacrifices and offerings, and have free access to the Temple Mount to rebuild their Temple.
The Antichrist comes on the scene as a man of PEACE making promises to Israel which will be so
convincing and promise-filled that they will accept it with great anticipation.
According to the book of Revelation chapter 6 God will begin to unseal the 7 SEALS upon the earth.
The first SEAL was the Rider on the white horse who comes to conquer but PEACEFULLY fitting the
description of the “Prince who is to come” — the Antichrist. Based upon Daniel 9:26-27 & Revelation 17
we showed:
a. He will be a GENTILE of Roman Empire origin. — Daniel 9:26-27
b. He possibly will be a MUSLIM, and explained why.
There are MORE descriptive things about the Antichrist that will be dealt with in a future study.