Man's Greatest Need Met!

Dec 15, 2013    Pastor Ron Finch

What is man’s greatest need? When I teach a parenting class I ask parents, “What is your child’s greatest need?” It’s just another way of asking, “What is man’s greatest need?” I suggest to you that man’s greatest need is not a nuclear free world, or a quality education for every person, or a solution to “so-called” global warming, or a better house, or excellent health. Rather, it goes much deeper than any of these things or things like them! Man’s greatest need goes to the core of his being — it goes to his relationship with God!
The Truth is: Every person, yes, every person, is born under the judgment and condemnation of God! (Romans 5:18)
Christmas DECLARES how God met Man’s Greatest Need! It is to that which we turn our attention to this morning. We will study it by looking at an ANNOUNCEMENT and a REVELATION.