More thoughts on "Walking by the Spirit"

Mar 9, 2014    Pastor Ron Finch    Romans 6-8 Series

In our studies in Romans 8 we have seen that God has given us a completely NEW OPERATING SYSTEM — the Holy Spirit! We learned that the Holy Spirit has been given to us so we can: a. Fulfill “the requirement of the Law”! (8:4) b. Enjoy life and peace! (8:6, 11, 13)) c. Walk pleasing to God! (8:8) d. Give evidence that we belong to Him! (8:9) e. Put to death the “deeds of the body”! (8:13) All of this is true for those who “walk according to the Spirit” (vs. 4) and are “being led by the Spirit” (vs. 14). So, this morning I want to take a few minutes to develop more fully the thought of Walking by the Spirit! It is imperative that we understand what it means and how we are to do it.