A Passionate Plea
“A Passionate Plea!”
Romans 12:1-2
We return this morning to the book of Romans! Romans chapter 12 begins a new section of this great book. The previous chapters have been mainly doctrine, i.e., dealing with sin, justification, sanctification, sovereignty, ethnic Israel and their ultimate salvation (1-11). In those chapters Paul explained the “mercies of God” as it related to those subjects, but now, he turns to the “application” of God’s mercies to daily life! The “application” comes down to two major thoughts — COMMITMENT and OBEDIENCE! Someone said it well, “God does not just want your HEART, He wants ALL OF YOU!” He wants your hands, feet, eyes, mouth, tongue, brain, hair, ears, nose, etc. — ALL OF YOU! This is exactly where Paul begins in Romans 12:1-2
PAUL’S MAIN POINT: Because of God’s MERCIES (all He has NOT given you which you deserved!), He desires that we do two things: 1) Give Him ALL of you – START NOW, 2) Don’t give the world ANY of you – STOP NOW!