Young Adults




Eighteen Twenty-Eight, is the only community group targeted towards a specific age, 18–28 year olds, single or married. Our desire is to provide an environment for fellowship with other young adults in similar life stages; not to separate the young adults from the rest of the church body. We meet twice a month making it possible to engage in other community groups.

We meet with the goal to build relationships, grow in faith, answer questions and address the worldviews that are contradictory to sound biblical teaching. A normal night will have snacks or dinner, some fellowship games, and a Bible study. The Bible study is usually a review or deeper dive into the Sunday sermon, so take notes and be ready to ask questions!

"EighteenTwentyEight: (aka..."1828") is a bimonthly gathering of young adults within the ages of 18-28. We welcome anyone within that age range regardless of their marital status, but we do not allow children at the group. At each of our gathering we enjoy dinner, fun fellowship, and some time in God's Word.

"EighteenTwentyEight: (aka..."1828") is a bimonthly gathering of young adults within the ages of 18-28. We welcome anyone within that age range regardless of their marital status, but we do not allow children at the group. At each of our gathering we enjoy dinner, fun fellowship, and some time in God's Word.



Sunday Evening 6:00pm (twice a month)

Location: Email for location

Ministry Leaders

Pastor Kevin & Rawni Munsey

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Find out more about our Young Adult Ministry.
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Find out more about our
Young Adult Ministry.
Fill out the form below to get started.