Taming the Beast in Our Body (Part 2)

Mar 17, 2013    Pastor Ron Finch

Last week we began to look at the “beast” in our body? We discovered that it is “a 2oz slab of mucus membrane that surrounds a rather complex array of muscles and nerves, allowing us to chew, swallow, and articulate words so we can communicate.” Or as someone else said it is an “Uncontrolled little red rebel that lives in a red cave guarded by two rows of white soldiers.”Yes, it is the TONGUE! We considered the most lengthily discourse on the tongue in scripture, James 3:1-12 and discovered six (6) things:1. It is the basis of a stricter judgment for teachers of the Word.2. It is a gauge of maturity in a Christian’s life.3. It is small, but extremely powerful.4. It is necessary, but can be devastating.5. It is vital, but untamed by others.6. It is useful, but hypocritical.This morning we continue to focus upon this “beast” by looking at two passages that get our attention regarding our speech.