Doing the Right, When You've been Wronged!

Feb 24, 2013    Pastor Ron Finch

This is the fifth message in our Authentic Christianity series. In the first message we defined our terms, in the second message we talked about our Power Source - the Holy Spirit, in our third message we focused on Genuine AGAPE, and today mpve on to dealing with hurtful people. undoubtedly one of the most difficult things to do as a Christian is to act godly when some one has hurt you deeply. The hurt may come through another believer or and unbeliever, in either case you have been maligned in some way and it has dealt you a horrible blow. In my 40+ years of being a pastor I have experienced such hurt many times, but I confess I stand in the company of many who have experienced itin a much greater degree then I have. For example: Moses, Nehemiah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Stephen, Paul and of course our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Let's be honest, we all have people who have hurt us! AS A Chirstian it is to be expected! Jesus said it would happen (John !5:18-20), but, how are we to live authentically when it does happen? The apostle Paul addresses that in ur text: Romans 12:14-21