Authentic Christianity in the Work Place! God Glorifying Work!

Apr 7, 2013    Pastor Ron Finch

Over the past few Sunday morning’s we have been looking at what genuine, authentic Christianity looks and acts like in real life! Some would call this “radical” Christianity, but, honestly, what we have been sharing is not “radical” it should be the “norm.” Now it is true when the Christian lifestyle that we have been describing is viewed against the backdrop of the lifestyle that we see in the world, it will be seen as “radical”, even though it really is the “norm”. Some believers will call it “legalistic”! It is sad that many “Christians” do not see a radical difference between the lifestyle of the world and the lifestyle that God calls His people to. Believe me there is a difference — and in that sense it is RADICAL! This morning our focus turns to the work place! How are we to live God glorifying lives in our work?