The Power of Discipleship

Jul 6, 2014    Pastor Ron Finch

This week as I drove East on I-10 I saw a billboard that said, “We are not taking
applications, we’re looking for commitments!” I thought, that’s a description of
DISCIPLESHIP if I ever read one! Although the U.S. Marine’s placed that Ad
on the billboard, it certainly describes Christ’s call to DISCIPLESHIP. We do
not become a disciple of Christ because we “apply” for a job; we become a
Disciple because by FAITH we receive Christ as Savior and become a FULLY
COMMITTED FOLLOWER of Him. A BIG difference between the Marine’s call
to commitment to be a Marine and Christ’s call to commitment to be His
Disciple is one of how it is to be accomplished. The Marines say it is through
sheer self-determination, self-effort; Christ says it is by self-denial, dying to self
and being dependent upon a supernatural power source — the Holy Spirit!
Let’s look at this in more detail this morning from John 14.