The Cost of Discipleship!

Jun 1, 2014    Pastor Ron Finch

This is the second message in the series I am calling, “On Being A Disciple.” If you
did not listen to the first message, please go on-line or get it in our book store. The
focus of our message this morning is on “The Cost of Discipleship!” Beloved, let us
be clear about one thing: Discipleship is COSTLY! Jesus planned it that way as we
will see this morning. I am approaching this message different than I usually do. I
am asking you to do three things with me: Ponder, Refresh, Consider.

PONDER: Sharing from a Pastor’s heart.
Before I get into the study this morning, please bear with me as I share a few
“fatherly” thoughts. Let’s call it a “Fireside Chat.”
a. The role of a Pastor which I take seriously! 2 Timothy 4:2-4
b. A “thank you” for allowing Gwen and me to get away!
c. The purpose of my time away: Clarity, Direction & Focus!
d. A stark reality: Our discipleship materials are greatly lacking!