Unpacking AGAPE!

Jun 22, 2014    Pastor Ron Finch

Last Sunday we began to look at “The Love of Discipleship.” This morning we
want to go a little deeper into this thought, but first let’s review.
We learned from John 13:34-35 that ...
a. Jesus gave the command to “love one another” to His disciples in
the Upper Room the night before He was betrayed.
b. He gave it after He had washed their feet!
c. It is a “new” command!
d. It has a pattern: “As I [Jesus] have loved you!” He washed feet!
e. It is a specific love: AGAPE which is an act of the will, not an
f. It is “other’s-focused,” not self-focused!
g. It has a purpose: it is the “badge” of discipleship!”