Behold the Kindness & Severity of God!

Jan 18, 2015    Pastor Ron Finch

The key verse in this section of Romans 11 is verse 22 — “Behold then the kindness and severity of God!” If your view of God does not include both His kindness and severity, you have a wrong view of God! We see both in this passage: to the Jewish nation that rejected their Messiah — severity (discipline); to Gentiles who believe the gospel — kindness (salvation).
Every Gentile (non-Jew) in this room this morning better be thankful that God in His “predetermined plan” included the rejection of Christ by the Jewish nation, because through their rejection, GENTILES HAVE SALVA-TION! (vs. 11). To come into this chapter at this point we must review the message from last week. We asked the question: “Has God Rejected Israel?” NO!
a. Reason #1 — Consider me: Paul! I’m living proof.
b. Reason #2 — Consider God’s Foreknowledge! God’s plan
c. Reason #3 — Consider God’s Remnant! Some are being saved.