Let's Not Be Ignorant About Israel

Jan 18, 2015    Pastor Ron Finch

There’s an old saying, “Ignorance is bliss, “tis folly to be wise”. This was written
by Thomas Gray in his poem “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College” (1742).
The Apostle Paul would never have been drawn into that kind of thinking!
Ignorance was not bliss, it was wrong! He wanted to guard believers from being
“ignorant” or “uninformed”, or “without understanding”. Proper information was
critical to right thinking, and right thinking was critical to right understanding,
and right understanding was critical to right doctrine. THAT IS TRUE TODAY!
Thus, this morning we begin a short series of messages that focus upon the specific
things that Paul did not want believers to be “ignorant” or “uninformed” about.