Deep Compassion For My Kinsmen

Nov 23, 2014    Pastor Ron Finch

This morning we return to the book of Romans and pick up where we left off
in previous studies of chapters 6-8. Chapter 9 follows and flows from what
Paul said in the earlier chapters of his letter, but particularly chapter 8
where he described wonderful truth that applies to everyone who is “in
Christ” (8:1), who are “in the Spirit” (8:9), who are “sons of God” (8:12-23),
who are helped in prayer by the Holy Spirit (8:26-28), and are secure “in
Christ” (8:31-39). Paul’s heart is full of gratitude unto God for these things,
but he is also in “great sorrow and unceasing grief” (9:2). Why? Because of
his own “kinsmen according to the flesh,” the Jewish people who are not