Has God Rejected Israel?

Jan 11, 2015    Pastor Ron Finch

From man’s perspective Israel messed up big-time: they “stumbled over the
stumbling stone” (Jesus), they tried to “attain righteousness by works, not
faith”, and they were “disobedient and obstinate people”! But not from
God’s perspective! God is in control (sovereign) and is working out the purpose
of His will perfectly to Israel and the Gentiles. God is NOT done with
Israel! He HAS NOT REJECTED, (cast off) His people!
Someone wrote, “God cannot be finished with the nation of Israel — for the
obvious reason that all of His promises to her have not yet been fulfilled. If
God were through with His chosen nation, His Word would be false and His
integrity discredited.” (John MacArthur)
Another Pastor wrote: “If God's word fails to Israel, God is not glorious. And
if God is not glorious, God is not God. And if God is not God, our greatest
treasure is taken from us, and we are turned into beasts with the monkeys
and the porpoises, and all our love and all our affections are nothing more
than chemicals, and we must play "make believe" all our life that anything is
significant.” (John Piper)
Consider these passages that speak of God’s enduring relationship to Israel:
1 Samuel 12:22 —
Psalm 89:31-37
Psalm 94:14 —
In our text this morning Paul gives four (4) reasons to show why God has