The Kind of Pastor You Should Desire! (Part 2)

Sep 29, 2013    Pastor Ron Finch    1 Timothy

As we continue in our study of 1 Timothy, we return back to the most personal portion of this letter to Timothy. In verses 6-16 he calls Timothy (and Pastors today) to the standards of excellence relating to the ministry itself. They are -based primarily on his personal life (which is important), but on how he functions in the ministry. Last Sunday we examined verses 6-10 and gleaned these truths:
1. A good Pastor has a passion to serve Christ Jesus as his first priority. (6)
2. A good Pastor works hard at developing godliness in his life! (7-9)
3. A good Pastor constantly serves in light of eternity. (10)
This morning we continue on into verses 11-16 hoping to glean four more standards of excellence related to Pastoral ministry.