Paul's Final Charge!

Dec 1, 2013    Pastor Ron Finch    1 Timothy

This morning we will complete our series of studies in 1 Timothy. I trust it has been a beneficial study to you personally and to the life of our church as a whole. We do not want to lose sight of the key verse: “I write so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15)
A quick review is probably good to refresh our memory before we finish: We learned that …
1. We must stand against false teaching! (1:1-17)
2. We must fight the good fight of the faith! (1:120)
3. We must have men (and women) who pray! (2:8)
4. We must have women who dress modestly and receive teaching in submissiveness! (2:9-15)
5. We must have leaders who are spiritually qualified by God’s standards! (3:1-13)
6. We must hold fast to our common confession about Jesus Christ! (3:16)
7. We must remember that the latter times are going to be difficult! (4:1-7)
8. We must be disciplining ourselves unto godliness! (4:7-11; 6:3-10)
9. We must honor our widows! (5:1-16)
10. We must protect and care for our Elders! (5:17-25)
11. We must be the best employees that a boss has! (6:1-3)
12. We must be content with what we have! (6:6-11)
This morning we return to two final “charges” that Paul gives: one to Timothy, one to the rich! Both are IMPORTANT!
I. The Charge to Timothy: Vs. 13-16